General George S Patton featured image

American Legion Post 44 Honors WWII Veteran First Lieutenant Rufus Stillman on July 6th

On July 6th at 10:00 a.m., American Legion Post 44 of Bantam will hold a special ceremony to honor World War II veteran, First Lieutenant Rufus Stillman. This tribute will recognize Stillman’s bravery and contributions, both on the battlefield and in his community.

Celebrating a Hero

General George S. Patton
General George S. Patton

First Lieutenant Rufus Stillman served with distinction in the United States Army during World War II. He fought courageously with General Patton’s 3rd Army in France, where he sustained a severe wound in 1944. After his injury, Stillman was honorably discharged in 1945 upon his return to the United States. His service and sacrifice exemplify the valor and dedication of the Greatest Generation.

Post-War Contributions

Torrington Mfg. Co., Air Impeller Division DEMO’d 2015
Torrington Mfg. Co., Air Impeller Division DEMO’d 2015

After the war, Rufus Stillman became an officer at the Torin Company in Torrington, Connecticut. He made his home in Litchfield, where he continued to serve his community with the same commitment he had shown in the military. Stillman was an active participant in local affairs and a strong advocate for modern architecture in Litchfield County. His efforts contributed to the region’s cultural and architectural landscape, leaving a lasting legacy.

Tribute Details

All Wars Memorial Bantam Connecticut
All Wars Memorial Bantam Connecticut

The tribute to First Lieutenant Rufus Stillman will take place at the All Wars Memorial in front of Bantam Cemetery. The event will begin with the ceremonial return of the previous honoree Nathan Zimmerman’s flag to his family, symbolizing the continuity and respect for all veterans honored by Post 44.

Following the ceremony, attendees are invited to enjoy light refreshments and social time at the Bantam Borough Hall. This gathering will provide an opportunity for the community to come together, share stories, and reflect on the impact of veterans like Rufus Stillman.

In the event of inclement weather, the entire tribute will be moved indoors to the Bantam Borough Hall to ensure the comfort and safety of all participants.

Community Invitation

American Legion Post 44 extends an open invitation to the public to attend this meaningful event. This tribute is not only a chance to honor the memory of a distinguished veteran but also to learn about his remarkable contributions to both his country and his community. By attending, individuals can show their gratitude and support for the sacrifices made by veterans like Rufus Stillman.

Join us on July 6th to honor a true American hero and celebrate the enduring spirit of service and community.