Apply for your Orange Heart Agent Orange Medal Today

Orange Heart Medal Available for Vietnam Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

Orange Heart Medal Available for Vietnam Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange
Orange Heart Medal Available for Vietnam Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

June 7, 2024

Veterans Can Now Apply for the Orange Heart Medal

Veterans exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War are now eligible to apply for the Orange Heart Medal, an honor recognizing their sacrifices and the long-term health impacts they endure. This initiative is supported by the Orange Heart Medal Foundation, which underwrites the cost of the medals.

Agent Orange Veterans Service Medal Act: This legislation, introduced by Congressman Van Drew (R-NJ) and Congressman Joe Courtney (D-CT), aims to honor veterans who have suffered from the toxic effects of Agent Orange, a harmful herbicide used during the Vietnam War.

Congressman Van Drew emphasized, “Exposure to Agent Orange has left thousands of brave veterans with lifelong health impacts. Honoring the sacrifices they made in the defense of democracy right here at home, and across the world, is the least our country can do.”

Congressman Courtney added, “While we press forward to ensure every veteran gets the care they deserve, the Agent Orange Service Medal Act takes a big step towards providing a tangible token of our nation’s enduring gratitude for their service and sacrifices.”

Apply for your Orange Heart Agent Orange Medal Today
Apply for your Orange Heart Agent Orange Medal Today

Recognized Health Conditions

The U.S. government recognizes the link between Agent Orange exposure and certain health problems, providing benefits to affected veterans. Currently, 19 health conditions are linked to Agent Orange exposure, making veterans with these conditions eligible for the Orange Heart Medal:

  1. Amyloidosis
  2. Porphyria
  3. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  4. Hodgkin’s Disease
  5. Chronic B-Cell Leukemias
  6. Prostate Cancer
  7. Parkinson’s Disease
  8. Ischemic Heart Disease
  9. Peripheral Neuropathy
  10. Respiratory Cancers
  11. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
  12. Multiple Myeloma
  13. Chloracne
  14. Soft Tissue Sarcomas
  15. Hypothyroidism
  16. Parkinsonism
  17. Bladder Cancer
  18. Hypertension
  19. Monoclonal Gammopathy

How to Apply for the Orange Heart Medal

Orange Heart Medal Foundation Application Form Image
Orange Heart Medal Foundation Application Form Image

Eligible veterans can apply for the Orange Heart Medal by following these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Complete the online form.
  3. Download and print the mail-in form.
  4. Mail the completed form to: Ken Gamble c/o OHMF, 13833 Owens Chapel Rd., Springfield, TN 37172.

Importance of the Medal

The Orange Heart Medal provides a tangible recognition of the sacrifices made by veterans exposed to Agent Orange. It acknowledges their service and the health challenges they face due to this exposure. The Orange Heart Medal Foundation ensures that veterans receive this honor without bearing the cost themselves.

Supporting the Cause

The Orange Heart Medal Foundation is currently seeking donations to continue its work. Contributions help raise awareness and support the foundation’s efforts to honor these veterans.

For more information and to read the full text of the Agent Orange Veterans Service Medal Act, click here.

By applying for the Orange Heart Medal, eligible veterans receive a well-deserved acknowledgment of their service and the lasting impacts of their exposure to Agent Orange. This medal symbolizes the nation’s gratitude and commitment to supporting these brave individuals.